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What makes us attractive to other people ?.

When we gaze at someone with a lovely face, our brains are pleased. But what features of an appealing face are there? Different people and cultures have various standards for what constitutes beauty. When it comes to what makes a face attractive, there is, however, a near-unanimous agreement that a symmetric, healthy, and youthful-appearing face can be simply irresistible.
When combined, several facial aesthetic traits can beautify a face. People frequently notice and find attractive people with big, attentive eyes, a small, proportionate nose, perky cheekbones, a well-defined jawline, or full lips.
Many people are unhappy with the way their features look and frequently seek for techniques to look more attractive, younger, and healthier. Cosmetic plastic surgery, injectables, and makeup can all help you achieve your goals.
But when it comes down to it everyone finds different things they like in a face ie i may like big noses someone else might like perky noses with a point on the end.
The trap in the beauty industry is to all follow the fashionistas, beauty experts and have the same look. Alot of girls i have noticed have the same look as Kim Kardashian and what happens is that they become a Kardashian clone. The best thing is to highlight your strengths in your face – facial exercises can help where you exercise certain areas in your face to strengthen or define them, i will do a blog on this soon. Sometimes small cosmetic surgery or beauty treatments may refine and alter different parts of the face so that you end with harmonious and proportional facial features – a natural looking face.
Sometines when you look at what it is about a person’s face that appeals to you so much, that  you find it to be quite attractive at first glance. Something about their features appears stunning and seductive.
When you look closely, you’ll see that there are particular facial characteristics that give the face a gorgeous appearance.
Obviously when God made man and woman HE made the woman to be the attractive one with her soft featured face and nice skin. Beauty in a woman comes down to genetics to a certain degree , the balance of the face in the right proportions , and hey real beauty is not skin deep but when it comes to the first impression , the attraction. capitivation,  the beauty  is all part of it.

Overall shape of the face

It has been discovered that facial symmetry raises opinions of how lovely human faces are. Both males and females find more symmetrical features to be more appealing, while facial symmetry is more heavily weighed in assessments of female faces’ beauty.
While research using composite faces found that people find more symmetrical faces to be more beautiful, research using the face-half mirroring technique found that people actually prefer a little bit of asymmetry. Additionally, research has revealed that approximately symmetrical faces are viewed as being much more appealing than asymmetrical ones. It appears that the symmetry of the nose is more significant than the symmetry of the lips.

The Eyes

the eyes are the first part of the face that people notice and are the windows to your soul, alot can be conveyed through the eyes and are the most expressive part of our faces. The shape of our eyes vary from cats eyes to slanted down eyes and whatever shape they are they can be highlighted and shown at their best. Modern makeup can transform the eyes with eye shadow , mascara and false eyelashes.


A few finishing touches are added to the shape of your face by the chin. Your face can look lovely if you have a refined chin. Because of this, it is regarded as a crucial component of a lovely and harmonious face.
The natural contour of the face is disrupted and the artistic harmony is destroyed by a weak receding chin that projects backwards towards the neck. The face appears overly long and narrow from the bottom up if the chin is too pointed. Additionally, a too-round chin makes your face appear excessively small and wide from the bottom up.
Depending on your criteria of beauty, you could or might not consider a cleft chin to be a sign of a lovely face. In any case, if the centre chin dimple is too deep it could appear as it is divided, although i consider a cleft more a male characteristic than feminime.


Your entire face is defined and shaped by your jaw. One of the most desired characteristics of facial beauty is a well-defined jawline, which gives your face a strong and prominent appearance.
The elegant angle formed between the neck and chin is lost due to sagging jaw skin and jowls, making the face appear weak and aged.
The jaw shouldn’t be excessively large or small. A face that has a wide jaw may appear overly large or rounded. While a narrow jaw might give the appearance of a face that is overly tiny or thin.
I think a large jaw can make a big difference between a female and male face, reconstruction surgery can redefine the jaw to a nice balance on the face.


On your face, your nose is the centre of attention. Your other facial characteristics will be in harmony with your symmetrical, proportionate nose, which also enhances the beauty of your face.
Your face appears more youthful and attractive when you laugh or grin. When you smile, a straight, elegant nose enhances the beauty of your happy face and balances off the rest of your face.
On the other side, if your nose is too big, too little, too wide, or asymmetrical, your face loses a lot of its attraction because:
Your eyes, lips, and cheeks, which are all attractive facial traits, enhance the look of your nose and they all work together in harmony.
Although it is a matter if taste i think large noses are just as good as small noses and this can give character ti the face whatever shape or size.


Lips are lower and central to our face and are probably next to the eyes the most sexy parts of our faces. They are quite often injected to give fullness to the lips. I dont think size or the lips is that essential as to the shape of the lips , afterall who wants the trout pout. Particularly while you’re talking, your face draws a lot of attention to your lips. Your appearance will be youthful, healthy, and full of life if you have naturally plump lips. Because of this, having large, bouncy lips is regarded as one of the most attractive features.
With time or as a result of smoking and other behaviours, the lips begin to gradually lose some of their volume. Lips that are too thin and flat can change the balance of your face and make you appear older than you are.
When you smile, the upper lip may entirely disappear if it is very thin. When you laugh as a result, your gums will be incredibly noticeable. 


The forehead is one of the larger parts of your face and sometimes show the effects of stress and worry. They also show our emotions the most whether we are happy or sad or happy and laughing. I think with good skin care this area should be untouched with botox mainly because it does reveal your emotions


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